Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hello & Free Samples! : May 21, 2008

In the words of so many beginning programmers, "Hello, world!".

This is the first episode of the podcast. We're going to occasionally showcase new tracks here - not too often to clog up your inbox/ipod/Zune/etc. , but just often enough to help you keep track of the new stuff we're putting out.

Click the title above to listen to the podcast.

Check out the blog as well - you can subscribe to it and to this podcast easily from the home page.

In this episode Tom introduces, and plays several fragments from about a dozen tracks you can buy from

Remember, we're providing quality and interesting royalty free music designed especially for Government and Public access TV channels!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The podcast

This blog is for the podcast - where we will preview new tracks put out by is a music library site dedicated to providing quality, interesting, royalty free music especially designed for Government and Public access cable channels.

You can subscribe using the FeedBurner signup on the right sidebar - iTunes, FireFox, Opera, Safari, and others.

This is going to be an occasionally updated podcast - not too much traffic, but not too little either!